Do my site users need to opt-in for data collection?

Is explicit consent required before I can track my visitors?


  • EU user consent policy: “You must use commercially reasonable efforts to disclose clearly, and obtain consent to, any data collection, sharing and usage that takes place on any site, app, email publication or other property as a consequence of your use of Google products; and…”

But California has the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA") and the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA")

The CCPA applies to for-profit businesses that do business in California and meet any of the following:

Have a gross annual revenue of over $25 million;
Buy, receive, or sell the personal information of 50,000 or more California residents, households, or devices; or
Derive 50% or more of their annual revenue from selling California residents’ personal information.

calah hanson

Calah Hanson has been helping business executives make smarter marketing decisions by identifying marketing gaps, creating custom strategies to fill in those gaps, and making the most of their resources. She guides companies to change their approach to marketing decisions by implementing a design-thinking, data-driven strategy based on current psychology research and technology behaviors. Her consulting, backed with actionable data and empirical evidence, has resulted in saving companies hundreds of thousands of dollars and being confident they are spending their marketing dollars in the best way.

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